An amino acid that is required by animals but that they cannot synthesize; must be supplied in the diet. The administration compensation differentiates itself from other administration reparations in that the course of the damage is a legal act. 动物所需但自身不能合成的氨基酸,必须通过食物进行补充。行政补偿区别于行政赔偿的最重要的特征是其原因行为的合法性。
An international dispute may be caused by an unfriendly but legal act. 某一国际争端可能是由某种不友好但却是合法的行为引起的。
The population legal act is one of population method basic categories, the population method independence is the premise which and the foundation the population legal act can exist. 人口法律行为是人口法的基本范畴之一,人口法的独立性是人口法律行为得以存在的前提和基础。
On the Indirect Criminals by utilization of Negligent Act and Legal Act of Others 论利用他人的过失和合法行为犯罪的间接正犯
Part IV is about legal act. 第四部分:法律行为。法律行为是法律事实的的重要组成部分。
On Conflicts and Settlements of Legal Act 论涉外法律行为的法律冲突及其解决
X League proposed legal act to protect women rights during maternity which was paradoxical in terms of feminist movement taking place later. X协会倡导用法律手段保护怀孕期间的妇女,这种荒谬的想法被后来的女权运动取代。
She must break fast as an obligation and not as a mere legal act that she is permitted to do. 她必须把开斋当作义务,而不仅仅是一种允许她那样做的法律行为。
Transaction security is deliberately founded to protect the reliance sense of transaction parties who believe that a legal act of transaction nature is valid. 交易安全旨在保护相信具有交易性质的法律行为成立并生效的交易主体的信赖。
The administration compensation differentiates itself from other administration reparations in that the course of the damage is a legal act. 行政补偿区别于行政赔偿的最重要的特征是其原因行为的合法性。
Our country law has made sure the problem that the act of authorization is unilateral act or legal act. 授权行为究竟应是单方行为,还是法律行为,此已被我国法律所确定。
The registration of land is specific administrative act in order to identify the civil legal act. 土地确权登记应定位于确认证据事实等民事法律行为的具体行政行为。
Section Two reviews the theories of the Juristic act, legal act on the jurisprudence level and administrative act, which have great impact on the birth and development of the administrative factual act theory. 第二节回顾了对行政事实行为理论的产生和演变起过重大影响的民事法律行为理论、法理学上的法律行为理论、行政行为理论。
The Civil Law of China defines civil justice act as legal act, which may lead to confusion in the theories of the science of civil law. 我国《民法通则》将民事法律行为界定为合法行为,这容易导致人们对民法学理论认识的混乱。
As the theory system of legal act has already been formed, it influences China civil law characterized civil law system tradition greatly. 法律行为理论经过长期的发展已经形成了博大精深的理论体系,它对于以大陆法系私法为传统的我国民法产生了巨大影响。
Therefore, it is necessary to establish a system of legal act in the civil code. 认为民法典中有必要设立法律行为制度。
The system of legal act is an important tool of the protection of the reliance. 法律行为制度是民法信赖保护的重要工具。
Delisting system means the legal act de-listing the public corporation which has lost qualification in the stock market. 上市公司的退市制度是指通过法定程序将已经不符合上市条件的公司退出证券市场的法律行为。
The duty caused by legal act mainly includes of the compact act and the voluntary act. 法律行为引起的义务主要包括合同行为和自愿行为。
The condition of capacity or civil responsibility has nothing to do with civil legal act or understanding capacity. 民事主体的民事责任能力状况,与该主体的民事行为能力和认识能力无关。
First, the article defines the concept and some important kinds of the legal act in tax law. 本文首先界定了税收法律行为的概念,并确定了其较为重要的种类划分;
In fact, administrative affirmation the important administrative legal act played an important part in our country. 事实上,行政确认作为一种重要的行政法律行为,在我国发挥着重要作用。
Many problems may be solved if offer is defined as a civil legal act. 把要约定性为民事法律行为,可以使许多问题迎刃而解。
The explanation of declaration of intention is different from the legal act explanation or the contract explanation. 意思表示解释与法律行为解释和合同解释不同。
The corporate donation is a unilateral legal act. 公司捐赠是一种单方法律行为。
Signing of the loyal agreement of husband and wife is a civil legal act in most of the time: the proper subject 、 the real meanings of two parties, not violate the mandatory provisions of law and public interests. 签订夫妻忠实协议大部分时间是一种民事法律行为:协议主体适格,是夫妻双方真实意表示,不违反法律法规强制性规定和公共利益。
Share Repurchase is a kind of legal act which Incorporated Company buys back the issued shares. 股份回购(ShareRepurchase)是指股份有限公司购回本公司已发行在外的股份的法律行为。
In essence, undue influence belongs to meaning representation flaw relief system in legal act theories. This is a system unique to Common law, for which we are lack in. 从本质上说,不正当影响规则属于法律行为学说中的意思表示瑕疵救济制度,是英美法系所独有的一个意思表示瑕疵救济制度,为大陆法系所缺失。
The former will have an influence on the effectiveness of legal act, while the latter won 't. 前者将会对法律行为效力产生影响,而后者不会对法律行为的效力产生影响。
Law is not a rigid system for the trial through the use of formal legal act to be the typical operation of law. 经济法不是适合通过利用制度刚性进行审判等典型形式化法律行为加以运作的法律。